The Shanghai Fire Protection Association's group standard " Operation Regulations for the Inspection

Release time:2024-04-12  visits:279


   On April 21, 2021, organized by theShanghai Fire Protection Association, including Q&H (Shanghai) ConsultancyServices Co., Ltd., one of the editor-in-chief units, the group standard expertreview meeting of the "Shanghai Operation Regulations for the Inspectionof Building Fire Protection Facilities " was held in Shanghai GangtaiPlaza.


   During the review meeting, therepresentatives of the writing group explained the purpose, method and functionof the writing one by one. The experts put forward many constructive revisionopinions from the perspective that the group standard should highlight thetechnical requirements and testing methods of building fire protectionfacilities. The group standard provides a reference standard for the testingindustry of building fire protection facilities.


   With the rapid development of China'ssocial economy, building fire safety in building safety is closely related tothe safety of people's daily life. Whether the building fire-fightingfacilities are intact or not plays an important role in preventing andcontrolling the fire in the building. Once the building fire-fightingfacilities are missing or fail, it may cause huge loss of life and property.Therefore, how to detect the building fire-fighting facilities in goodcondition and correctly is very important.

   According to the survey, the currentindustry standard for the inspection of building fire protection facilities isthe "People's Republic of China Public Safety Industry Standard GA503-2004 Technical Regulations for the Inspection of Building Fire ProtectionFacilities", which was implemented on October 1, 2004. It has been 17years since then, and many of its contents are obviously incompatible with thecurrent social and economic development, and urgently need to be updated andadjusted to meet the needs of fire safety management in the new stage andsituation.

   To this end, Q&H (Shanghai) ConsultancyServices Co., Ltd. took the initiative to invite the Shanghai Fire ProtectionAssociation to initiate the proposal to compile the group standard of "ShanghaiOperation Regulations for the Inspection of Building Fire Protection Facilities".


   After the review meeting, Q&H(Shanghai) Consultancy Services Co., Ltd., together with other members of thewriting group and the technical leaders of relevant units, made revisions andimprovements on the basis of carefully listening to the opinions of allexperts. The Shanghai Fire Protection Association's group standard "OperationRegulations for the Inspection of Building Fire Protection Facilities" wasfinally released on May 27, 2021, and officially implemented on June 1, 2021.

   The Shanghai Fire Protection Association'sgroup standard "Operation Regulations for the Inspection of Building FireProtection Facilities" has five chapters, including the scope ofapplication, referenced documents, terms and definitions, and fire protectionfacilities system testing. , fire automatic alarm system, fire water supplysystem and fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, foam fireextinguishing system, fire water cannon fire extinguishing system, water mistsystem, gas fire extinguishing system, dry powder fire extinguishing system, mechanicalsmoke prevention and exhaust system, emergency lighting And evacuationinstruction system, etc., comprehensively stipulates the testing requirements,methods, and judgments in detail, providing a unified implementation standardfor daily testing work, so as to better serve Shanghai building fire safetymanagement.


   Q&H (Shanghai) Consultancy ServicesCo., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") was establishedin March 2019 by a joint venture between Shanghai Telling Safety TechnologyCo., Ltd. and Shenzhen Zhongruiheng Management Planning Co., Ltd. The companyfocuses on providing construction, fire protection facilities testing,electrical testing, building lightning protection testing, fire safetyassessment and consulting services related to site and project completionacceptance.

        The company has a professional, efficient and qualified technical team,equipped with complete testing instruments and equipment, and advanced hiddendanger screening system. According to the standard operating procedures, thefire protection facilities, building lightning protection or electrical systemson the customer's project site are comprehensively carried out. Testing andevaluation, providing professional rectification suggestions and solutions forsystem problems, and issuing legal testing and evaluation reports.

        The company has strong technical force and always adheres to the corevalue of "creating value for customers", emphasizing the combinationof testing, evaluation and rectification, assisting our customers to jointly doa good job in building and facility safety and providing a safer production andliving environment.

        Since its establishment, the company has been based in the Shanghaimarket and facing the whole country, and has achieved excellent results invarious formats including subways, commercial complexes, factories, officebuildings, high-end community residences and health care.



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